Minimum Number Of Stabs To Kill King

You are given the health of the king as an integer 'N'. You need to find the minimum number of stabs to kill the king. The king dies if the health becomes 0.

At any point, to decrease the health of the king you can apply either of two operations (types of stab):

1. The first kind of stab decreases the king’s health 'H' by 1 i.e 'H' = 'H'-1.
2. The second kind of stab decreases the king’s health to 'H1', where 'H'= 'H1'*'H2' and 'H1' >= 'H2' > 1 i.e if 'H' = 'H1'*'H2', then 'H' can decrease to 'H1' where 'H1' is the larger factor.

Note :

1. The king’s initial health is an integer and always positive.
2. After each step, the king’s health is decreased. It can not remain the same after a stab of either type.
Input Format :
The first line of the input contains an integer 'T', denoting the number of test cases.

The first line and the only line of each test case contains an integer 'N', denoting the initial health of the king.
Output Format :
The only line of output of each test case should contain a value denoting the minimum number of stabs required to kill the king.
Note :
You don't need to print anything, it has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.
Constraints :
1 <= T <= 10^2
1 <= N <= 10^3

Time Limit : 1sec

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