all staff and security guard search

How to control the shrinkage

Shrinkage can be controlled by implementing strict inventory management procedures and training employees on theft prevention.
Conduct regular inventory audits to identify any discrepancies
Implement more

I will inform to all employes your under worked in CCTV so your job is lost

Need to cross check Inventory & receiving very items.

Follow the BOOSTA As Blocking, over staffing, Over hanging, same similar, type of bin, above of the bin. Shrinkage control can be done by this

After faceing problems in possitive method applying get results.

New planing, creat strategy and implemen.

High value article Daliy basic Counting
Chocolate Example Dariy Milk chocolate is high value shrinkage

Basicaly caring staff against loss

Flow the sop and increase Sale

In which section f&v / Non-f&v

Clarify Company Policies. Train Employees About Theft Prevention. Reduce Human Error With Checklists and Reporting. Conduct Frequent Inventory Audits. Set Up Signs and Video Surveillance. Hire a Loss more

Properly received stock and check out checking properly and control in store shrinkage and observed customers and observed internal staff

By top most high shrinkage articles inventory on daily basis.

They ask only to you how you have worked in previous retail outlet ,firsthey will see your experience in retail sector nd what was your designation and they only ask store related questions;nothing more

Hlo Bishal, The main reasons of shrinkage are -wrong GRN(GOODS RECEIPT NOTE) and theft. We can control it by receiving correctly in a systematic manner and to ensure that we are posting it right. And more

By proper recieving, proper GRN, it should count on daily basis minimum 50 articles billing should proper whatever billed only that article should out

On daily basis we have aligned a manpower including security for top 100 article on daily basis for every dept. And rest working on inventory control . Work on ageing report . 90 days no saleable more

There are many strategies to control shrinkage. Like frequently stock counting and comparing with system stocks, staffs should be trained to handel multiple customers, counting the stocks before and more

Receing and billing errors ,internal thefting and customer service

Need to cross check Inventory & receiving very carefully

all staff and security guard search and 100 % hardtaking

3 types of shrinkage
1. Internal theft
2. Process failure
3. External theft

Focus on daily globel count keep mantain Roster of globel count .Check daily inward & outward process .Mantain register of staff belonging.Daily review of all security staff .ensure merchandise will more

100% hardtaging and softtaging Daily basic segments counting and top 30 high value counting or low value and small product display at back side cash till

100% hardtaging and softtaging Daily basic segments counting and top 30 high value counting or low value and small product display at back side cash till

Daily wise we are doing GC count and If any shinkage we are take action plan .. Same day Because of we are High value prices in store ...

all staff and security guard search

Smoothly customer handling

Customer satisfaction
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