Given a string 'S' of length 'L', return the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
Suppose given input is "abacb", then the length of the longest substring without repeating characters will be 3 ("acb").
Input Format:
Each input contains a single line which contains the string 'S', Where 'S' denotes the input string containing english letters ( both UpperCase and LowerCase), digits, symbols, and spaces.
Output Format:
Print a single integer denoting the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
You do not need to print anything, it has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.
0 <= L <= 10^5
Time limit: 1 sec
Follow Up:
Can you solve this problem in O(L) time and space complexity?
Sliding window approach
In the brute force approach, we will use two nested loops. The outer loop is used to select the starting index of the substring and the inner loop is used to fix the ending index of the more
In this approach, we will use two nested loops. The outer loop is used to select the starting index of the substring and the inner loop is used to fix the ending index of the more
In this approach, we will use a binary search to select the length of the substring. The smallest value possible will be 1 as all the characters are unique substrings themselves and the more
We will keep a window that will keep a range of unique characters where the range is defined by start and end indices. Initially, both ‘start' and ‘end’ equal to zero denoting more
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