what is routing and write its syntax

Routing is the process of navigating between different components or pages in an Angular application.
Routing is used to create single-page applications (SPAs) where the content is dynamically loaded without refreshing the entire page.
In Angular, routing is achieved using the RouterModule and the RouterLink directives.
The RouterModule is imported from the @angular/router package and added to the imports array of the app module.
Routes are defined as an array of objects, where each object represents a route with a path and a component.
The RouterLink directive is used in HTML templates to create links that navigate to different routes.
Syntax: RouterModule.forRoot(routes) in app.module.ts, RouterModule.forChild(routes) in feature modules, Link in HTML templates.

Angular routing means navigating the user a view from one page to another page.
routes =[{
path: 'example',
component: exampleComponent

routing in angular help us to navigate from one view to another as users perform task in the webapps
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