Self intro ,basic knowledge ,u trust me , my working good we'll .. 100% hard work my job .

Hay, I am Deepika, From Vellore. I Have completed BCA, I have worked as on a teacher. My strength are i am self motivated, hard working and a despilned person. Give me a chance I will work with more

My name is Siva Kiran from VijayawadaI have completed my master degree,give me a chance. I will work hard and put my best effort toward my work and company.

I am krishnakumar sharma in _city erode, I am studying BA degree completed, I want chance to doing a better work on your company for hard work.

I am Dharavath Mahendar from Telangana . I am studying graduate counies. Give me a chance i will hard work and effort best toword the work and compny

I am Sarita Trivedi from Lucknow I am studying B.A graduate completed give me a chance i will hard work my job , my working good will

i am sevala pradeep from Andhara pradesh . I am studying Bsc graduate completed. Give me a chance i will hard work and effort best toword the work and compny .

I hard work my job, my working good well

I am kishor form maharashtra in _city, I am studying BA degree uncompleted, I want chance to doing a better work on your company for hard work.

Give me a chance I will work with efforts and my best towards the work and company,I will do best in my work.

Yes Iam hard work my job

Give me a chance I will work with efforts and my best towards the work and company

My working good well, i will do best in my work

My working good well,hard work of my job

My working good well, hard work of my job
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