You are given infinite sequence of continuos natural numbers-1,2,3,4,5,6.......... Initially you delete every 2nd element so sequence will be 1,3,,5,7,9,11,13..... now in the resultant sequence you delete every third element i.e now 5,11...will be deleted. The numbers which will remain in sequence after infinite number of iterations are called lucky numbers(for e.g 1 is lucky number because it will be never deleted). WAP to check whether given number n is lucky or not


Program to check if a given number is a lucky number or not.

  • Create a function that takes an integer n as input

  • Initialize a variable count to 2

  • Loop through the sequence and delete every count-th more

krushna Jadhav
This is my c++ solution which check weather given number is lucky or not bool isLucky(int n){ return n %2 != 0 && (n - (n / 2)) % 3 != 0; }
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