Why did you leave your company I told him the reason about the change of my company but he still trying to mock me like offending with his words and started to degrade me that I'm changing the company for whatever the reason I have said. (My inner feeling I should slap this guy if this was an face to face interview because he also might be changing the company for a various reasons but typical interviewer mentality) It all went till 35 minutes of no proper technical areas he touched and mocking me for whatever the answer I was trying to give him It went all the way till 30 minutes and I understood that he is not taking interview seriously he just trying to mock me and I stopped him there and said sorry I may not be interested in continue on this interview because you are so arrogant Interviewer voice coming from him because that was his intention. Hope this will help you everyone who is attending for the interview his Name is "Verma Jyotirmoy" please be careful if possible talk to HR people there is no wrong in informing to HR manager because if this happens to person like 12 years of experience guy it can happen to anybody. And for sure I can tell him he his not technically strong book reading guy.

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