Q.1What is Cardio pulmonary resasitation

It's a life saving procedure involves restart patient's heartbeat and breathing by giving chest compression ms and rescue breathing.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) combines rescue breathing (mouth-to-mouth) and chest compressions to temporarily pump enough blood to the brain until specialised treatment is available. Chest comp...read more

Cardiac arrest
Check response,feel carotid pulse then cpr

It is a life saving procedure provide artificial breath

The cardio pulmonary resasitation was breth to pulmonary artery and pulmonary veins inthe heart.

Life saving procedure

An emergency procedure used to restart a person’s heartbeat and breathing after one or both have stopped. It involves giving strong, rapid pushes to the chest to keep blood moving through the body. Us...read more

Emergency life saving procedure to revive the life of patient

Life saving technique

Cardic arest/ pulmonary blckege

It's a procedure for saving life

CPR is a lifesaving procedure, useful in many emergency, include a heart attack, in which someone's breathing or heartbeat has a stopped

It is a technique used to treat a condition in which patient is suffer from heart attack or cardiac arrest or ( when the heart stop beating by it's own) . It includes chest compression in the middle o...read more

Cardio Pulmonary Resasitation is a first aid technique to help people whi suffer a “ Cardiac Arrest” their heart stop beating .
It involves doing chest compression and rescue breathe to keep the casu...read more
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