What is the working principle of transformer

Transformers work on the principle of electromagnetic induction to transfer electrical energy between two or more circuits.
Transformers consist of two or more coils of wire called windings.
When an alt...read more

General using transformers voltage step up step down purpose using electronics device and electrical supplie power supply voltage regulator purpose is in transformer transformer principle is required ...read more

A transeformar is a static divice which pass electric energy one circuit to another without changing the frequency

Mutual induction

transformar faradays law

A transformer is static device which pass electrical energy one circuit to another circuit without changing frequency

A transformer is a static device wich pass the electrical energy one circuit to another without changing the frequency..

The working principle of transformer is to step up or down the voltage by a mutual induction process.

Regulate power

A transformer operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction. It has a magnetic core over which two sets of windings, termed as primary and secondary, are suitably placed. When one of the wind...read more
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