Technical Interview 1 :- After ICC Round 2, there was Round 3 but I was ineligible for that since I didn't cleared 2nd challenge. If you appear for ICC1- 5LPA, ICC2-6.5 or 7.5 LPA , ICC3- 8 LPA. Based on this I got mail for 7.5 LPA based Interview round. It was Technical Interview 1. Interviewer asked about various Java based questions like OOPs Concepts, Encapsulation, etc. Also Asked to give real time example for OOPs. One interviewer in panel asked for writing on the spot code. It was very basic code based on strings and array. Here they looked for Neatness of code,Logic of code, Java Libraries knowledge. Basics of Java, SQL DBMS, Emerging Technology and examples. It was overall Easy Interview.
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