Disadvantage of chain surveying?

Chain surveying is time-consuming and requires skilled personnel.
Requires a lot of time and effort to set up and measure accurately
Not suitable for large areas or uneven terrain
Errors can accumulate q...read more

chain surveying is the simplest and commonest method used in serving exercises
the equipment used to conduct chain survey are simple to use
the equipment in the chain survey can eas...read more

time taking procress, result is not to accurate,need to change the chain to check lines and base lines

Time taking process & here in chain some corrections in links all links are open then it's give wrong result.

time longing progress, result is not to accurate.

Not gives accurate result as per my knowledge learn in 1st sem of my BE IN BASIC CIVIL ENGINEERING.

time taking procress, result is not to accurate,need to change the chain to check lines and base lines
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