Asked inJK Files,Territory Manager - International Business

Q. Why my HSC percentages were low? A. CEO with at least 3 decades of experience started his interview this way. He was highly not interested to conduct the interview but did it anyway because I was there. He hardly returned my greetings, spoke with enthusiasm or curiosity & lacked maturity. He argued that if my English was not good I should have done HSC in Marathi, to which I had to explain him that HSC in science doesn't come with language option!


The low HSC percentages were due to a lack of interest and enthusiasm from the CEO during the interview.

  • The CEO showed disinterest and lack of curiosity during the interview.

  • The CEO's lack of more

This was the round with CEO and I was utterly surprised with his question. He was more concerned about my HSC percentages than my work experience and skills
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JK Files Territory Manager - International Business Interview Questions
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