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Mr Cooper Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 15 Aug 2024

Q1. WAP I/p : String str = "india is best country". O/P : str = "country india is best". reverse the string words best of length?


Reverse the words in a string of a specific length.

  • Split the input string into words

  • Iterate through the words and reverse the ones with a length equal to the specified length

  • Join the reversed words back into a single string

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Q2. WAP to print unique elements from given 2 Arrays ? Example arr[1,2,3,4], arr1[1,2,4,5,5,6] O/P : [3,5,6]


Write a Java program to print unique elements from two given arrays.

  • Create a HashSet to store unique elements from both arrays.

  • Iterate through each element in both arrays and add them to the HashSet.

  • Convert the HashSet back to an array and print the unique elements.

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Q3. Microservice architecture and how 2 microservices communicate with each other?


Microservice architecture is a design approach where an application is composed of small, independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs.

  • Microservices communicate with each other through APIs, typically using HTTP/REST or messaging protocols like RabbitMQ or Kafka.

  • Service discovery mechanisms like Eureka or Consul can be used to locate and connect to other microservices.

  • API gateways can be used to manage and secure communication between microservices.

  • more

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Q4. Java 8 Features and internal working of Hashmap and inhacement happens in java 8 in HashMap?


Java 8 introduced new features like lambda expressions and streams. HashMap in Java 8 has improvements like tree bins for better performance.

  • Java 8 features include lambda expressions, streams, default methods in interfaces, etc.

  • Internal working of HashMap involves using buckets and linked lists or trees for collision resolution.

  • In Java 8, HashMap introduced tree bins to handle situations where a bucket has too many elements, improving performance.

  • Enhancements in Java 8 more

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Q5. WAP to count occurence of each character from given String?


Count occurrence of each character in a given string.

  • Create an array of size 256 to store count of each character (ASCII range)

  • Iterate through the string and increment count for each character

  • Print the count of each character at the end

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Q6. What is RestFulAPI's?


RestFulAPI's are a type of web service that follows the principles of REST architecture.

  • RestFulAPI's use standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE for communication.

  • They are stateless, meaning each request from a client must contain all the information needed to fulfill the request.

  • They typically return data in JSON or XML format.

  • RestFulAPI's are designed to be easily scalable and maintainable.

  • Example: Twitter API, Google Maps API.

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