Tell me about yourself

Pravini Mhetre

I am Pravini , my degree completed in BCA from Solapur University Maharashtra. now I am doing MCs in Solapur Maharashtra . I am most interested in python language

Annem Ashok reddy

My Name is ASHOK . i had done  b tech in st.marys engineering college. i need a job to seek fresher i am learniing sql server and power bi and advanced excel.

Kshitij Chalke

I am fresher. I had done B.SC. in Statistics in distinction. I need a job to seek experience in web design, programmer app developing.

Akash Babu

My Name is Akash. I have completed My BE(Computer Sience Engineering ) Degree in RVS Technical Campus Coimbatore . And I have done my schooling in St.Thomas Marthoma Metri Higer Sec School koolari more


Hello sir/ma'am

My name is Abdhesh kushwaha basically i am from ditrict tikamgarh madhyapradesh and now a days i am living in bhopal anand nagar .

Sir i have pursuing BTeach from sagar insitute of more

Prudhvi Mahesh

Hello sir / mam iam prudhvi mahesh and i lives in Hyderabad

Now iam studying degree final year I need a job

And from only iam searching for a job sir and ma plzz confirm

My job

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