Shortest Bridge Problem Statement
Two characters, Tony Stark and Thanos, reside on two separate islands within a 2-D binary matrix of dimensions N x M. Each matrix cell has a value of either 1 (land) or 0 (water). The two islands are distinct connected components of 1s, connected either vertically or horizontally. Your task is to help Tony construct a bridge by converting some 0s to 1s, thereby connecting the two islands with the minimum number of 0 to 1 conversions.
Your objective is to find the shortest path of transformed 0s that connects the two islands.
The input starts with an integer 'T', indicating the number of test cases.
For each test case:
The first line consists of two integers N and M, denoting the number of rows and columns, respectively, of the 2-D array.
The subsequent N lines each contain M space-separated integers (either 0 or 1) representing the elements of the matrix.
Output the minimal length of the bridge needed to connect the two islands for each test case on separate lines.
Example Input:
T = 1
N = 3, M = 3
1 1 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Example Output:
The bridge with the minimal number of 0s to convert to 1 connects the two islands with only one conversion.
- 1 <= T <= 5
- 1 <= N, M <= 100
- 0 <= ARR[i][j] <= 1
- Each ARR[i][j] is either a 0 (water) or a 1 (land).
- Time Limit: 1 second
You do not need to handle input or output directly. Your task is to implement the function to solve the problem.

The task is to find the shortest path of transformed 0s that connects two islands in a binary matrix.
Identify the two islands in the binary matrix.
Find the shortest path between the two islands by more

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