What is encephalopathy? What is diabetes mellitus?

Encephalopathy means brain disease and dm sugar patient

A broad term for any brain disease that alters brain function or structure

Diabetes mellitus is type 1 and type 2 disease

Encephalopathy term brain function and structure it refer group of disease it effect from boby in blood sugar

Encephalopathy term for any diffuse disease of brain that brain function and structure it refer group of disease that's effect how our body use blood sugar

encephalopaty term for any diffuse diseases of brain that alters brain funaction and strucure
it referce group of dieases that effect how our body use blood sugar

encephalopaty term for any diffuse diseases of brain that alters brain funaction and strucure
it referce grop of dieases that effect how our body use blood sugar

encephalopaty term for any diffuse diseases of brain that alters brain funaction and strucure
it referce grop of dieases that effect how our body use blood sugar
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