What is server What is Dora What is SLA How many experience you have in IT

Server is a computer program or device that provides functionality to other programs or devices.
A server is a computer that stores and manages data for other computers on a network.
Examples of servers...read more

I have not experienced in IT companies

A server is a computer or computer programmer that offers particular services to other machines or programmers, sometimes known as clients, in the context of information technology (IT).

No I'm not in IT field. Trichy Capgemini is only BPO & I'm worked accountancy department. So I don't know what is server & Dora. But generally I know SLA definition. This is Service level agreement.

1) Why should I hire you? 2) why you want to join This company.

SLA means service legal agreement and I have 3.5 year experience in IT.

I have no experience but have basic knowledge manual testing,SQL,core java,ms office
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