What is difference between role and profile.

Role refers to the responsibilities and duties assigned to an individual, while profile refers to the skills, qualifications, and experience required for a particular job.
Role is the specific job func...read more

Profile: Profiles are assigned to users in the user master record, profiles could represent a simple job position.
The basic difference is that the roles contain the "profile" and "user master data"

Profile is the skill set and experiance you have in a specific process or project and domain. Role is the possion is your going to work e.g level1 this level applicable for freshers and less than 1 ye...read more

Profile is for Experience candiate on what basis HR shortlist candidates. Role is what company HR looking for in certain candidates

Role main road standard role notice any modification
Profile make by persons in company to provide to work

Role main road standard role notice any modification
Profile make by persons in company to provide to work

Role is what we process..while profile where we expertise
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