What is creditor How you will define golden rules of accounting Diff. In expenditure and saving account

Creditor is a person or entity to whom money is owed. Golden rules of accounting are basic principles to maintain financial records. Expenditure account records expenses while saving account records s...read more

Creditor is a person or entity to whom money is owned.golden rules of accounting 1 Debit what comes in credit what goes out 2.credit the giver and Debit the receiver it is the rule of personal account.credit all income and Debit all expenses.1 personal account 2 real account 3Nominal account

types of golden rules . 1.personal account Dr.the rec. Cr.the giver 2.Real account Dr.the what comes in Cr.the what goes out 3.Nominal account.

Creditors are individuals or entities that have lent money to another individual or entity. They typically charge interest and the money is owed back to them. For example, a bank lending money to a pe...read more

There are three types of golden rules . 1.personal account Dr.the rec. Cr.the giver 2.Real account Dr.the what comes in Cr.the what goes out 3.Nominal account

MuneeswarReddy vaddi

Golden rules of accounting Personal accounting: debit the reciver credit the giver, real account: debit what comes in credit what goes out, Nominal account: Debit all the expenses and losses credit al...read more

They are there types of golden rules of accounting 1 is the personal account 2 and is real account 3 Rd is nominal account

• The party who sells the goods on credit or lends the money is called the creditor.
Golden Rules of Accounting
1) Rule One. "Debit what comes in - credit what goes out." This legislation applies to exi...read more

Creditor is a person who gives the money to debitor ex: A company to start a business so creditor is giver and three golden rules of accounting that is : personal account : debit is the receiver credit is the giver : real account : Dr : what comes in . CR : what goes out.nominal account : Dr: all expenses and losses.cr: all incomes and gains
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