What do you mean by prepaid and what's the accounting treatment?

Prepaid refers to an expense paid in advance, and its accounting treatment involves recognizing it as an asset initially and gradually expensing it over time.
Prepaid expenses are costs that are paid i...read more

What Are Prepaid Expenses? Prepaid expenses are future expenses that are paid in advance, such as rent or insurance. On the balance sheet, prepaid expenses are first recorded as an asset. As the benef...read more

Prepaid expenses are future expenses that are paid in advance, such as rent or insurance. On the balance sheet, prepaid expenses are first recorded as an asset. As the benefits of the assets are reali...read more

Prepaid:- Paid in advance for which services are to be received in future is known as prepaid.
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To Bank a/c.... Cr

Prepaid expenses are future expenses that are paid in advance, such as rent or insurance. On the balance sheet, prepaid expenses are first recorded as an asset. As the benefits of the assets are reali...read more

Prepaid expenses are future expenses that are paid in advance, such as rent or insurance. On the balance sheet, prepaid expenses are first recorded as an asset. As the benefits of the assets are reali...read more
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