Distribute N Candies Among K People
Explanation: Sanyam wishes to distribute 'N' candies among 'K' friends. The friends are arranged based on Sanyam's order of likeness. He initially distributes candies such that the 1st friend receives 1 candy, the 2nd friend receives 2 candies, up to the kth friend. In the subsequent rounds, the distribution is incremented by 'K' starting from the 1st friend. If during distribution, the remaining candies are fewer than what a friend is supposed to receive, that friend receives all remaining candies and the process stops.
test cases will follow. Each test case contains two integers,N
is the number of candies andK
is the number of friends.
Output: For each test case, output the number of candies each friend ends up with at the end of the distribution.
T = 1
N = 10
K = 3
[5, 2, 3]
In this example, the distribution is as follows:
- First, [1, 2, 3] are distributed.
- Second, [4, 5] are distributed and the process stops because there are 2 candies left, only enough for two friends.
1 <= T <= 50
1 <= N <= 10^9
1 <= K <= 10^5
Time Limit: 1 second
Distribute N candies among K friends in Sanyam's order of likeness, incrementing distribution by K each round.
Distribute candies starting from 1st friend, incrementing by K each round
If remaining cand...read more
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