Shine Airways Interview Questions and Answers
Calling a function using the new keyword creates a new instance of the function's constructor.
Creates a new empty object
Binds 'this' to the new object
Adds a property to the new object called '__proto__' which points to the constructor function's prototype object
Returns the new object
You can import all exports of a file as an object in JavaScript using the 'import * as' syntax.
Use the 'import * as' syntax followed by the object name and 'from' keyword to import all exports of a file as an object.
For example: import * as myExports from './myFile.js';
You can then access the exports using dot notation, like myExports.myFunction().
The 'this' operator in JavaScript refers to the current context or object.
Refers to the current object or context in which a function is being executed
Can be used to access properties and methods of the current object
The value of 'this' is determined by how a function is called
Observables are streams that can emit multiple values over time, while promises can only emit a single value.
Observables can emit multiple values over time, while promises can only emit a single value.
Observables are cancellable, while promises are not.
Observables support operators like map, filter, and reduce for transforming data streams, while promises do not.
Observables are lazy, meaning they do not run until they are subscribed to, while promises start executing as soon more
Arrow functions are a concise way to write functions in JavaScript.
Arrow functions are defined using the '=>' syntax.
They have a shorter syntax compared to traditional function expressions.
They do not have their own 'this' keyword, instead they inherit it from the parent scope.
Example: const add = (a, b) => a + b;
AOT compilation in Angular stands for Ahead-of-Time compilation, which compiles Angular templates and components during the build process.
AOT compilation improves the performance of Angular applications by pre-compiling the templates and components before the browser downloads and runs them.
It detects template errors during the build process rather than at runtime, leading to faster rendering and reduced bundle size.
AOT compilation eliminates the need for the Angular more
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