Distance Greater Than K

You are given an undirected graph, a source vertex, and an integer k. Check if there is any simple path(without any cycle) from source to any vertex such that its distance is greater than 'k'.

Path in a graph is a finite or infinite sequence of edges that joins a sequence of vertices that are all distinct.

Input Format :
The first line contains four integers 'n', 'm', 's', and 'k' where 'n' is the number of vertices, 'm' is the no of edges, and 's' is the source vertex.

The next 'm' lines describe the edge. Each edge is characterized by three integers a, b, and c where a and b denote the endpoints of the edge and c the length of the edge.

 The edges[i][0] ,edges[i][1] contains the vertex that is connected to the edge. The edges[i][2] contains the length of edge for all 0<i<m.
Output Format :
Return true if there is any such path otherwise false.
Note :
Graph does not contain self-loops.
Constraints :
1 <= 'n' <= 10
1 <= 'm' <= min(n*(n-1))/2,100)
0 <= 'a', 'b', 's' <= n-1
1 <= ci, k <= 1000000
For all 1 <= i <= m

Time Limit: 1 sec

The key idea will be to find all possible paths and check their path length. If the path length is greater than ‘k’ we return true. If no path has a weight greater than ‘k’ we return false...read more

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