If you having religion feeling?

alway respact of all religion but i m from sikh family.

I'm feeling in hindu

No (and also depands on situations) because our Sanatan Dharam says us do not make any difference between mans

No not at all because I am human being

No not at all because I am human being

No not at all because I am human being

No religion feeling because I m an indian

I love my country.

I am Indian

Depending on where you live, religionmay also make you feel better about yourself by making you feel part ofyour larger culture. People who arereligious have higher self-esteem and better psychologica...read more

Yes...but not that work.

No matter of religion hindu muslim bhai bhai

No india is my country all indian my brother and sister so not improtant to religion

India is my country all indian my brother and sister so not improtant to religion
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