What is Type 2 diabetes ?

Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus

Type 2 diabetes is cells in the body which cannot or doesn't respond properly for insulin hormones.

Type 2 diabetes means the condition when body doesn't produces enough insulin secretion.

Type 2 diabetes are present in adult onset. It is non-insulin dependent. High amount of insulin production by pancreas causes Type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 dm is non insulin dependent disease condition in which pancreas gland secret the insulin but did proper functioning. Hence . This type 2 dm clients need oral hypoglycimic tablets for stimulate ...read more

Type 1 - Diabetes is a genetic condition
Type 2- lifestyle and develops over time

Type 2 diabetes is an impairment in the regulates of and uses glucose as fuel

Type 2 diabetes is a condition when the body cannot effectively use the insulin produced. That results in the increase in sugar and thus affects the other body parts whereas in type 1, the body cannot...read more

Type -2 diabetes is a Mainly lifestyle Related and Develops over time

Diabetes is two types. Type 1 diabetes usually seen in childrens. Type 2 diabetes is commonly found in elderly patients.

Second stage of insulin

Second stage of insulin

It is the 2 nd stage of DM , it's require insulin

- Adult on set diabetes

- Adult on set diabetes

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