What you know about accounts? What is accounts?

Accounts refer to financial records that track the transactions and financial activities of an individual, organization, or business.
Accounts are used to record and track financial transactions.
They p...read more

Accounts day to day transaction business devlopment tools

Calculating both incoming and outgoing economy. Day wise, month wise and year wise as well

Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, ...read more

Accounts day to day transaction business development tools

Account is a record tha financial tarnsaction in business

Account means record, bookkeeping,mantain balance sheet in books of to fullfil goal in business

Accont means day to day transaction we do in business or firms for accuracy or maintain economy in daily routine

Account is a record tha financial tarnsaction in business

Account is a recording of financial transaction in a buisness

process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business.The financial statements used in accounting are a summary of financial transactions over an accounting period, a company's operatio...read more

The process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The financial statements used in accounting are a summary of financial transactions over an accounting period company's opera...read more

Accounts is a part of business when we done any transactions like materials purchase, sale, payment and received payment and we will book or recorded are called accounts, Accounting is a very big work...read more

Prepare a account of money given or received, where the transactions are classified, recorded, summarised and interpretation.

Prepare a account of money given or received, where the transactions are classified, recorded, summarised and interpretation.

Basic accounting is debit what comes inn and credit what goes out

Any types of transaction s called the account s this are personal account real account and nominal account

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