RTO in logistics stands for Return to Origin, which refers to the process of returning goods or shipments to their original location.
RTO is a common term used in logistics and supply chain management....read more

It mean return back the goods in origin location.

Return to the shipment in original shipment on Clint in corrier return

Return to origin if the customer cancelled or and he not like the shipment then that the same we processed as RTO

Return to Origin is a process where a product never reaches the customer or the delivery fails because of multiple reasons, and hence the product is returned back to the seller. The product gets shipp...read more

R.T.O means return to origin. Any shipment are undelivered due to any issue like wrong adress,cash not ready and also demage shipment receive in DC. That time we follow a prosiger and this prosiger na...read more

The Undeliverable shipment is considered as a RTO (RTO means return to orgin) for example no response cases customer cancel or customer ask for reschedule it may come under RTO

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