Assertion in Jmeter. what protocol used in jmeter 3. what is hit per second. 4.why after some number hit/sec become constant 5. what is sync and async testing. 6. what is standard deviation. 7. how u handle assertion dynamically 8. what listener you use. 9. what is 90%line 10. what data u provide to developer while doing performance testing. 11. what command u use to see all the run(top netstate) 12. what output netstate will provide 13. if 1000 request are provided how to handle them bcoz after some request from same IP will provide you same output


Answers to questions related to Performance Testing using JMeter

  • Assertion in JMeter is used to validate the response of a request

  • JMeter supports various protocols like HTTP, FTP, JDBC, etc.

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