1. What does #include do. 2. What is preprocessor. 3. What does using namespace std do. Can we create our own namespace. 4. Who calls main function. Can we pass arguments in main function. 5. Write our own function to copy a char array to another. Function accepts two args: src and dest. 6. Write a void function getBit which accepts a bit position and return that bit of a number as bool. 7. Write a void function setBit which accepts a bit position and 0/1 (set as 0 or 1) and sets that bit with given 0 or 1. 8. WAP to overload operator + which adds two imaginary number and return resulted imaginary number.


Technical interview questions for Associate Software Engineer position.
iostream header file is used for input/output operations in C++.
Preprocessor directives are executed before the compilation of th...read more
Anu Anu

1. #include directive tells the C preprocessor to include the contents of the file specified in the input stream to the compiler and then continue with the rest of the original file.
2.a computer prog...read more

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