how to access amazon page directly directly with out using driver.get how to get the last secong window in selenium (get window handles) how to select mulptiple values in drop downs swap numbers between without using third variable collections string how to remove spaces in string how to print a words in a senteces in aseparate line exceptions throws vs throw string is a data type or method interfaces in java examples of interface u saw in java super class of file not found exception class printstack trace how to use actions , tell me some methos tell me screenshot methods tell me about u r framework how to highlight a element tellm me about pom.xml how do u see failed test cases in testng screenshot method why actions class is required tell me about data parameterization tell me the heirarchy of annothations how to group how access the groups in xml class data provider deficntion and access hash map and has table arraylist is map a collection how to print all the google links which is having a common tag how do you click all the elements in the dropdown how to perform the operation on the thrird window in the selenium string buffer and string builder tell me about java feautures tell me about polymorphism tell me about static binding are u able to access static variable inside a instance method are u able to access instance variable inside a static method what is static , why it is not allow to inherit how many types variables does the java class can expect (static , instnace , final) how to run muiltple scripts parallely in testng how pom.xml plays a key role what is a central repostory how do u run pom file tell me about access specifires how to run same case multiple cases in tesng xml tesng vs the traditional model do u know cucmber what is hybrid constructor types of constrcutor super keyword access specifier protected how to access private methods parallel execution what thread count - how how do u run tests paralley how do u run methods paralley what is abstraction ..tell me how u have seen it in java itself ..i.e implementation


A list of questions asked in a QA Engineer interview covering topics such as Selenium, Java, and TestNG.
Accessing Amazon page without using driver.get
Getting the last second window in Selenium using g...read more

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