You are given an array/list ARR consisting of N integers. Your task is to find the maximum possible sum of a non-empty subarray(contagious) of this array.
Note: An array C is a subarray of array D if it can be obtained by deletion of several elements(possibly zero) from the beginning and the end of array D.
For e.g.- All the non-empty subarrays of array [1,2,3] are [1], [2], [3], [1,2], [2,3], [1,2,3].
Input Format
The first line of input contains a single integer ‘N’ denoting the number of elements in the array/list.
The second line of input contains ‘N’ single space-separated integers, denoting the elements of the array.
Output Format :
Print the maximum possible sum of any subarray of the array/list.
Note: You do not need to print anything; it has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.
1 <= N <= 5*10^5
-10^9 <= ARR[i] <=10^9
Time Limit: 1sec
Approach (Using Kadane's Algo) :
1) Declare a variable ‘maxSum’ and initialize it with ‘minimum integer’.
2) Declare a variable ‘localSum’ and initialize it with ‘0’.
3) Declare 3 counter variables as ‘ more
We will iterate through all possible boundaries of the subarrays in the given array with the help of two nested loops.
Then, we will iterate through each subarray with the help of another more
We will iterate through all possible subarrays of the array with the help of two nested loops. We will maintain the maximum subarray sum/answer through our iterations and finally more
The main observation here is that the optimal subarray will have no prefix with a negative sum. This is because we can remove the prefix with a negative sum from our optimal more
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