Minimum Number of Taps to Water the Garden

Given a garden that extends along a one-dimensional x-axis from point 0 to point N, your task is to determine the minimum number of taps needed to water the entire garden. The garden has N+1 taps located at positions [0, 1, 2, ..., N].

Each tap, once opened, waters a range from (i - ranges[i]) to (i + ranges[i]), inclusive. You must find the fewest number of taps required to water every part of the garden from point 0 to point N. Return -1 if it's not possible to water the entire garden.


Integer T, the number of test cases 
For each test case:
- Integer N, the range of the garden.
- Array ranges of size N+1, where ranges[i] indicates the water coverage radius a tap at point i can achieve.


For each test case, a single integer representing the minimum number of taps required. If the garden cannot be fully watered, return -1.


Consider an input where T = 1, N = 5, and ranges = [3,4,1,1,0,0].

T = 1
N = 5
ranges = [3, 4, 1, 1, 0, 0]

By opening the tap at position 1, which covers points from -3 to 5, the entire garden from 0 to 5 is watered.


  • 1 <= T <= 10
  • 1 <= N <= 104
  • 0 <= ranges[i] <= 100
  • Time Limit: 1 sec
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