An alien spaceship arrived at our planet Earth. An alien dropped his dictionary of words on the way back to his planet. Ninja found that dictionary and now wants to create the order of the characters of that language. Help ninja in creating the order of the characters with the help of the list of words given as were found in the Alien’s dictionary.
Let us assume that we have a list of words found in the dictionary in the same order as given: [“baa”, “abcd”, “abca”, “cab”, “cad”]
Now, ninja needs to find the order of the characters used in these strings.
The order would be: ‘b’, ‘d’, ‘a’, ‘c’, because “baa” comes before “abcd”, hence ‘b’ will come before ‘a’ in the order, similarly because, “abcd” comes before “abca”, ‘d’ will come before ‘a’. And so on.
A certain list of words might have more than one correct order of characters. In such cases, you need to find the smallest in normal lexicographical order. In the case of INVALID ORDER, simply return an empty string.
Invalid Order:
words = [“aba”, “bba”, “aaa”].
In this case, no valid order is possible because, from the first two words, we can deduce ‘a’ should appear before ‘b’, but from the last two words, we can deduce ‘b’ should appear before ‘a’ which is not possible.
More than one correct order:
words = [“ca”, “cb”].
In this case, we only know that ‘b’ will come after ‘a’ in the order of characters, but we don't have any knowledge of ‘c’. So, the valid correct orders can be = “abc”, “cab”, “acb”. Out of these, “abc” is lexicographically smallest, hence it will be printed.
Input Format:
The first line contains a single integer ‘T’ representing the number of test cases.
The first line of each test case will contain an integer ‘N’, which denotes the number of words in the dictionary.
The second line of each test case will contain ‘N’ space-separated strings which denote the words of the dictionary.
Output Format:
For each test case, print the order of characters.
Output for every test case will be printed in a separate line.
1 <= T <= 10
1 <= N <= 300
0 <= size <= 100
Time limit: 1 sec
The idea behind this approach is to create a graph of the words of the dictionary and then apply the topological ordering of the graph.
A topological ordering of a directed graph is a linear ordering of its vertices such that for every directed edge u v from vertex u to vertex v, u comes before v in the ordering.
The approach is to take two words from the array of words and then compare characters of both words and find the first character that is not the same in the words.
Then, create an edge in the graph from the first different character of the first word to the second word.
Finally, apply topological sorting in the above-created graph.
Let us understand this better by dividing the complete solution into two parts:
- Graph Creation:
- We will use unordered_map to store the graph. The graph will be created by using below steps:
- We’ll start with two words, let’s say a and b. Now we find the smaller word from the two, so that we could just traverse to that position.
- Let’s say a has 3 characters and b has 5 characters. Now in order to find the first mismatched character we traverse from start to the length of the smaller word and check each character, until we find the first mismatched character.
- Now, we simply create an edge between the first mismatched character of the first word to the second word.
- Continue this process until all the edges are created.
- Now, we will have a graph created with 1st mismatched character from each word to the other.
- We’ll start with two words, let’s say a and b. Now we find the smaller word from the two, so that we could just traverse to that position.
- We will use unordered_map to store the graph. The graph will be created by using below steps:
- Now, apply the topological sort in the created graph in order to find the required order.
- Topological Sorting:
- The topological sorting algorithm is used in directed graphs(like the one we created), in which we need to find an order of edges such that every edge leads from the vertex of a smaller value assigned to the larger value. To read more about topological sorting you can refer:
- Basically, we start from a vertex let’s say v and run along all edges that are outgoing from the same. This will not move along the edges for which the destination vertex has already been visited.
- Continue the same process from the rest of the edges and then start from them,
- By the end of this method, all vertices would be reached from the starting vertex v either directly or indirectly.
- Finally, we will use a queue to store the topological order of all vertices.
Algorithm + Pseudo Code:
- Define a map let’s say “degree”.
- Define another map let’s say “graph”.
- Now initialize i from i = 0 to i < size of words, while updating i by one in each traversal and, do −
- Initialize another var j from j = 0 to j < size of words, while updating j by one in each traversal and, do −
- degree[words[i, j]] := 0
- Initialize another var j from j = 0 to j < size of words, while updating j by one in each traversal and, do −
- Next initialize i from i = 0 to i < (size of words - 1), while updating i by one in each traversal and, do −
- Initialise a var “mini” := minimum of size of words[i] and size of words[i + 1]. In order to find the smaller word, we could traverse only to that value.
- Initialise j from j = 0 to j < mini, while updating j by one in each traversal and, do −
- Store in a var x := words[i, j]
- Store in a var y := words[i + 1, j]
- If x is not equal to y, then − (First different character found)
- insert y at the end of “graph[x]”
- (increase degree[y] by 1)
- Come out from the loop
- “result” := Initialise a blank string to store the final order
- Initialise a queue “que”
- For each key-value pair let’s say “iter” in “degree”, do −
- if value of “iter” is same as 0, then −
- insert key of it into “que”
- if value of “iter” is same as 0, then −
- Now, while (not “que” is empty), do −
- x := first element of “que”
- delete element from “que”
- result := result + x
- for every element let’s say “elem” in “graph” do −
- decrease degree[elem] by 1
- Now, if degree[elem] is same as 0, then −
- insert “elem” into “que”
- (increase “elem” by 1)
- return (if size of “result” is same as the size of “degree”, then result, otherwise return a blank string)
Keep in mind the following cases:
- The longer string with the same prefix comes first, will make it an invalid case.
- In case of more than one correct order, simply return the lexicographical smallest order.
O(N), where ‘N’ is the number of words in the array
Extra space required for data structures used like queue and maps. So, space complexity is O(N).
Time Complexity: OtherExplanation:
O(N + W), where ‘N’ is the number of words in the array, and ‘W’ is the size of words.
The time complexity of topological sorting is O(V + E), where ‘V’ is the number of vertices and ‘E’ is the number of edges, because in the worst case the algorithm will traverse through the complete graph, that is V vertices and E - 1 edges. So, the time complexity is O(N + W).
Python (3.5)
Time complexity: O(N + W)
Space complexity: O(N)
where 'N' is the number of words in the array, and 'W' is the size of words.
from collections import defaultdict, deque
import heapq
# Function to create graph
def constructGraph(words):
# Initialise a map to store the graph
# Create nodes
for i in range(len(words)):
for j in range(len(words[i])):
# Store word in a variable
c = words[i][j]
# If word does not exist in the graph
if (c not in graph):
# Create a temporary set
# Add the node
graph[c] = temp
for i in range(len(words)-1):
# Initialise a variable to follow index
index = 0
# traverse until you reach end of one of the words
while (index < len(words[i]) and index < len(words[i + 1])):
# If you find the mismatched character
if (words[i][index] != words[i + 1][index]):
# add node into the graph
graph[words[i][index]].add(words[i + 1][index])
# Increment index
# Check if index is equal to smaller length from the two words
if (index == min(len(words[i]), len(words[i + 1]))):
if (len(words[i]) > len(words[i + 1])):
# Return an empty map
return set()
# Return graph
return graph
# Function to get indegree of element
def getIndegree(graph):
# Initialise a map to store indegree
# Traverse until iterator reaches end of graph
for iter in graph:
# Update value
indegree[iter] = 0
# Traverse until iterator reaches end of graph
for iter in graph:
# Initialise through the graph.
for _iter in graph[iter]:
# Update
indegree[_iter] = indegree[_iter] + 1
# Return the indegree map
return indegree
#Function to find topological ordering
def topologicalSorting(graph):
# initialise another map to store degree
indegree = getIndegree(graph)
# Initialise priority queue instead of simple queue in order to create lexicographical order
# Initialise an iterator to traverse through map
for iter in indegree:
# If degree = 0
if (indegree[iter] == 0):
# Push value into the queue
# initialise a string to store the order
result = ""
# while queue is not empty
while (len(que)>0):
# Store top element of queue
head = heapq.heappop(que);
result += head;
# Start iterator from head of graph's begin
for iter in graph[head]:
# Store iterator pointer as neighbor
neighbor = iter
# Update indegree of neighbor
indegree[neighbor] -= 1
# If now, the indegree of neighbor is zero
if (indegree[neighbor] == 0) :
# Push neighbor into the queue
# check if length of string is not equal to size of indegree
if (len(result) != len(indegree)):
# return an empty string
return ""
# else return the order
return result
def alienOrder(words, n):
# initialise unordered_map to store the graph
graph = constructGraph(words)
# If graph is empty return an empty string
if (len(graph)==0):
return ""
# return the topological order of the graph
return topologicalSorting(graph)
C++ (g++ 5.4)
Time complexity: O(N + W)
Space complexity: O(N)
where 'N' is the number of words in the array, and 'W' is the size of words.
// function to create graph
unordered_map > constructGraph(vector& words)
// initialise a map to store the graph
unordered_map > graph;
// create nodes
for(int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < words[i].size(); j++)
// store word in a variable
char c = words[i][j];
// if word does not exist in the graph
if (graph.find(c) == graph.end())
// create a temporary set
set temp;
// add the node
graph[c] = temp;
for (int i = 0; i < words.size() - 1; i++)
// initialise a variable to follow index
int index = 0;
// traverse until you reach end of one of the words
while (index < words[i].size() && index < words[i + 1].size())
// if you find the mismatched character
if (words[i][index] != words[i + 1][index])
// add node into the graph
graph[words[i][index]].insert(words[i + 1][index]);
// increment index
// check if index is equal to smaller length from the two words
if (index == min(words[i].size(), words[i + 1].size()))
if (words[i].size() > words[i + 1].size())
// return an empty map
return unordered_map >();
// return graph
return graph;
// function to get indegree of element
unordered_map getIndegree(unordered_map >& graph)
// initialise a map to store indegree
unordered_map indegree;
// initialise an iterator from start of graph
unordered_map >::iterator iter;
iter = graph.begin();
// traverse until iterator reaches end of graph
while (iter != graph.end())
// update value
indegree[iter->first] = 0;
// increment iterator
// start again from start of graph
iter = graph.begin();
// traverse until iterator reaches end of graph
while (iter != graph.end())
// initialise another iterator
set::iterator _iter = (iter->second).begin();
// while second iterator reaches end
while (_iter != (iter->second).end())
// update
indegree[*_iter] = indegree[*_iter] + 1;
// increment second iterator
// increment first iterator
//return the indegree map
return indegree;
//function to find topological ordering
string topologicalSorting(unordered_map > graph)
// initialise another map to store degree
unordered_map indegree = getIndegree(graph);
// initialise priority queue instead of simple queue in order to create lexicographical order
priority_queue, greater > que;
// initialise an iterator to traverse through map
unordered_map::iterator iter;
// start iterator from begin
iter = indegree.begin();
// while iterator reaches end do
while (iter != indegree.end())
// if degree = 0
if (indegree[iter->first] == 0)
// push value into the queue
//increment iterator
// initialise a string to store the order
string result = "";
// while queue is not empty
while (que.size())
// store top element of queue
char head =;
// pop the top element
// append head of queue into the result
result += head;
// initialise an iterator of set
set::iterator iter;
// start iterator from head of graph's begin
iter = graph[head].begin();
// while iterator reaches end
while (iter != graph[head].end())
// store iterator pointer as neighbor
char neighbor = *iter;
// update indegree of neighbor
indegree[neighbor] -= 1;
// if now, the indegree of neighbor is zero
if (indegree[neighbor] == 0)
// push neighbor into the queue
// increment iterator
// check if length of string is not equal to size of indegree
if (result.size() != indegree.size())
// return an empty string
return "";
// else return the order
return result;
string alienOrder(vector &words, int n)
// initialise unordered_map to store the graph
unordered_map > graph = constructGraph(words);
// If graph is empty return an empty string
if (!graph.size())
return "";
// return the topological order of the graph
return topologicalSorting(graph);
Java (SE 1.8)
Time complexity: O(N + W)
Space complexity: O(N)
where 'N' is the number of words in the array, and 'W' is the size of words.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Collections;
public class Solution
// function to create graph
private static HashMap> constructGraph(ArrayList words)
// initialise a HashMap to store the graph
HashMap> graph = new HashMap>();
// create nodes
for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < words.get(i).length(); j++)
// store word in a variable
Character c = words.get(i).charAt(j);
// if word does not exist in the graph
if (!graph.containsKey(c))
// create a temporary HashSet
HashSet temp = new HashSet();
// add the node
graph.put(c, temp);
for (int i = 0; i < words.size() - 1; i++)
// initialise a variable to follow index
int index = 0;
// traverse until you reach end of one of the words
while (index < words.get(i).length() && index < words.get(i + 1).length())
// if you find the mismatched character
if (words.get(i).charAt(index) != words.get(i + 1).charAt(index))
// add node into the graph
char a = words.get(i).charAt(index);
char b = words.get(i + 1).charAt(index);
// increment index
// check if index is equal to smaller length from the two words
if (index == Math.min(words.get(i).length(), words.get(i + 1).length()))
if (words.get(i).length() > words.get(i + 1).length())
// return an empty HashMap
return new HashMap>();
// return graph
return graph;
// function to get indegree of element
private static HashMap getIndegree(HashMap> graph)
// initialise a HashMap to store indegree
HashMap indegree = new HashMap();
// initialise an iterator from start of graph
Iterator>> iter = graph.entrySet().iterator();
// traverse until iterator reaches end of graph
while (iter.hasNext())
Map.Entry> entry =;
// update value
indegree.put(entry.getKey(), 0);
// start again from start of graph
iter = graph.entrySet().iterator();
// traverse until iterator reaches end of graph
while (iter.hasNext())
// initialise another iterator
Map.Entry> entry =;
Iterator _iter = (entry.getValue()).iterator();
// while second iterator reaches end
while (_iter.hasNext())
// update
char cur =;
indegree.put(cur, indegree.get(cur) + 1);
// return the indegree map
return indegree;
// function to find topological ordering
private static String topologicalSorting(HashMap> graph)
// initialise another HashMap to store degree
HashMap indegree = getIndegree(graph);
// initialise priority queue instead of simple queue in order to create
// lexicographical order
PriorityQueue que = new PriorityQueue<>();
// initialise an iterator to traverse through map
// start iterator from begin
Iterator> iter = indegree.entrySet().iterator();
// while iterator reaches end do
while (iter.hasNext())
Map.Entry entry =;
// if degree = 0
if (entry.getValue() == 0)
// push value into the queue
// to store the order
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
// while queue is not empty
while (!que.isEmpty())
// store top element of queue
char head = que.remove();
// append head of queue into the result
// initialise an iterator of set
Iterator _iter = (graph.get(head)).iterator();
// while iterator reaches end
while (_iter.hasNext())
// store iterator pointer as neighbor
char neighbor =;
// update indegree of neighbor
indegree.put(neighbor, indegree.get(neighbor) - 1);
// if now, the indegree of neighbor is zero
if (indegree.get(neighbor) == 0)
// push neighbor into the queue
// check if length of string is not equal to size of indegree
if (result.length() != indegree.size())
// return an empty string
return "";
// else return the order
return result.toString();
public static String alienOrder(ArrayList words, int n)
// initialise HashMap to store the graph
HashMap> graph = constructGraph(words);
// If graph is empty return an empty string
if (graph.isEmpty())
return "";
// return the topological order of the graph
return topologicalSorting(graph);
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