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I have a diverse background in sales, marketing, and customer service.
Started my career as a sales associate at XYZ Company
Promoted to sales manager after exceeding sales targets for 2 consecutive yea...read more
I want a job for my career.
If i apponted as personnel manager at any company i can work hard as i have deteced crime in police department i will work for betterment of employer and employee
Indust ry will expand when manager shows his skill
Police officer like me well gualified m com and personnel management can play very imp role on exapantion of any company
Production will automatically high if there is good mamager
Human development coulde be resulted wellbeing relation between owener of cOmpany and trade union
Every police officer is a human resours manager to kepping peace in socity
Police plays very imp work to maintain good relation Between employer and employee
Good manager leads to progress of a company
Planning.orgnizimg. directing
Controlling staffing is a motto of management
Per unit of cost of prodution and companies wellbeingness depend upon good personnel manager
The good manager keeps better relation between employer & employee
Motto of good managemt is govern by following role is called successful manager in company & society
it is important Trade union and employers ralation coulde be minimised by appontong good H
R. D. Manager who have played by police officer
Police department is a media between public and govt so i have got communication skill i have solved big industrial problem which faced ny trade union and employer
I have work exepiriece of industry
Iam better gualified for the post of management trainee
Iam postgradute in commerce & personnel management l L.aw
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