Stack using Two Queues Problem Statement
Develop a Stack Data Structure to store integer values using two Queues internally.
Your stack implementation should provide these public functions:
1. Constructor: Initializes the two queue data members. 2. push(data): Accepts an integer and pushes it onto the stack. 3. pop(): Removes and returns the top element in the stack; returns -1 if empty. 4. top: Returns the top element without removing it; returns -1 if empty. 5. size(): Returns the current number of elements in the stack. 6. isEmpty(): Checks if the stack is empty and returns a boolean result.
The first line contains an integer 'Q', representing the number of queries. The next 'Q' lines specify each operation: - For push, the line contains two integers: the operation type and the integer value to push. - For other operations, the line consists of a single integer indicating the operation type.
- For Query-1, do not return anything. - For Query-2, output the popped value. - For Query-3, output the current top value. - For Query-4, output the size of the stack. - For Query-5, output 'true' or 'false'. Each query's output should be on a different line.
Q = 5 1 42 2 3 1 17
42 -1 17
1 <= Q <= 1000
1 <= query type <= 5
-10^9 <= data <= 10^9
and data ≠ -1
Direct output printing is handled externally. Focus on implementing the stack functionality.
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