Interval List Intersection Problem
You are provided with two sorted lists of closed intervals, INTERVAL1
. A closed interval [x, y] (x < y) signifies the set of real numbers z such that x <= z <= y.
Your task is to find the intersections of these two interval lists.
The intersection of two closed intervals is a set of real numbers represented as a closed interval or an empty set. For instance, the intersection of [0, 2] and [1, 3] is [1, 2].
The first line contains an integer 'T', which represents the number of test cases. Each test case consists of:
- First line with two integers 'N1' and 'N2', indicating the sizes of 'INTERVAL1' and 'INTERVAL2'.
- Second line with '2 * N1' integers representing the intervals in 'INTERVAL1'.
- Third line with '2 * N2' integers representing the intervals in 'INTERVAL2'.
For each test case, output a list or array containing the intervals of intersections of 'INTERVAL1' and 'INTERVAL2'.
Output each test case result on a new line.
INTERVAL1 = [[0, 5], [7, 9], [10, 11]]
INTERVAL2 = [[0, 2], [3, 7], [12, 15]]
[[0, 2], [3, 5], [7, 7]]
- 1 <= T <= 100
- 0 <= N1 <= 5000
- 0 <= N2 <= 5000
- 0 <= INTERVAL1[i][0] <= 105
- INTERVAL1[i][0] < INTERVAL1[i][1] <= 105
- 0 <= INTERVAL2[i][0] <= 105
- INTERVAL2[i][0] < INTERVAL2[i][1] <= 105
Your implementation should not print anything. Just implement the function to return the result.
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