All Paths From Source Lead To Destination

There is a directed graph consisting of ‘N’ nodes numbered from 0 to ‘N’-1. You are given a list ‘EDGES’ of size ‘M’, consisting of all the edges of this directed graph, and two nodes ‘SRC’ and ‘DEST’ of this graph. Determine whether or not all paths starting from node ‘SRC’ eventually end at node ‘DEST’, that is -:

1. At least one path exists from node ‘SRC’ to node ‘DEST’.

2. If there exists a path from the node ‘SRC’ to a node with no outgoing edges, then that node must be ‘DEST’.

3. There should be a finite number of paths from ‘SRC’ to ‘DEST’.

You should return True if all paths starting from node ‘SRC’ eventually end at node ‘DEST’, Otherwise, return False. See the example for more clarity.

Note :

1. The given graph may have self-loops and parallel edges.
Example :
Consider ‘N’ = 4, ‘EDGES’ = [[0, 1], [0, 3], [1, 2], [3, 2]],  ‘SRC’ = 0 and ‘DEST’ = 2. The given directed graph is shown below.

alt text

Here, all the paths that start from node 0 are -:
1. 0->1->2
2. 0->3->2
Both of these paths eventually end at node ‘2’ i.e node ‘DEST’. Thus we should return True.
Input format :
The first line of input contains an integer ‘T’ denoting the number of test cases. then ‘T’ test cases follow.

The first line of each test case consists of four single space-separated integers  ‘N’, ‘M’, ‘SRC’, ‘DEST’, described in the problem statement.

Then next ‘M’ lines follow in each test case. The ith line consists of two space-separated integers ‘EDGES[i][0]’ and ‘EDGES[i][1]’ representing that there is a directed edge from node ‘EDGES[i][0]’ to ‘EDGES[i][1]’.
Output format :
For each test case, print a string “True” if all paths starting from node ‘SRC’ eventually end at node ‘DEST’, Otherwise, print “False”.  

Print output of each test case in a separate line.

Note :

You do not need to print anything, it has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.
Constraints :
1 <= T <= 50
2 <= N <= 10^4
0 <= M <= 10^4
0 <= SRC < N
0 <= DEST < N
0 <= EDGES[i][j] < N. 

Where ‘T’ is the total number of test cases, ‘N’, ‘M’, ‘SRC’, and ‘DEST’ are as described in the problem statement. ‘EDGES[i][j]’ is an integer in list ‘EDGES’. 

Time limit: 1 sec
Depth First Search

All the paths starting from node ‘SRC’ eventually end at node ‘DEST’ if -:

  1. Node ‘DEST’ is reachable from ‘SRC’.
  2. There is no outgoing edge from node ‘DEST’.
  3. No cycle is reachable from ‘SRC’.

We can check these conditions using the Depth First Search algorithm as follows -:



  • Create a list of lists ‘ADJ’ of size ‘N’.
  • Create an adjacency list of the given directed graph. This can be done by running a loop where ‘i’ ranges from 0 to ‘M’-1 and for each ‘i’ push EDGES[i][1] in list ADJ[EDGES[i][0]].
  • If ADJ[DEST] is not empty, return false as there should be no outgoing edge from node ‘DEST’.
  • Created a boolean array/list VISITED  of size ‘N’, initially fill it with false.
  • Created a boolean array/list RECSTK  of size ‘N’ to track recursion stack while DFS, initially fill it with false.
  • Run a depth-first search algorithm by calling a recursive function, named  DFS(‘CUR’, ‘DEST’, ‘VISITED’, RECSTK, ‘ADJ’ ). It will return True if all the paths starting from node ‘CUR’ eventually end at node ‘DEST’  In each recursive call of this function, we will do the following steps.
    • If ‘CUR’ = ‘DEST’, then return True.
    • If ‘ADJ[CUR]’ is empty, then return False, because the path ends at a node other than ‘DEST’.
    • Do VISITED[‘CUR’]:= True, and RECSTK[‘CUR’]:= True.
    • Iterate over ADJ[‘CUR’] and for each node ‘V’ in it do the following -:
      • If RECSTK[‘V’] is True then return False, because the cycle is detected.
      • If VISITED[‘V’] is False, then recursively call DFS(‘V’, ‘DEST’, ‘VISITED’ ‘ADJ’ ). Return False, if this recursive call to DFS returns False.
    • Do RECSTK[‘CUR’]:= False, and return True.
  • Return  DFS(‘SRC’, ‘DEST’, ‘VISITED’, RECSTK, ‘ADJ’ ).
Space Complexity: OtherExplanation:

O(N + M),  where ‘N’ is the number of nodes and ‘M’ is the number of edges.  


Extra space used by adjacency list ‘ADJ’ is of size O(N + M), and recursion stack, list ‘VISITED’ and ‘RECSTK’  use O(N) space, Thus overall space complexity will be O(N + M). 

Time Complexity: OtherExplanation:

O(N + M), where ‘N’ is the number of nodes and ‘M’ is the number of edges.


DFS takes O(N + M) times and creating an adjacency list will also take O(N + M) times, Thus overall time complexity will be O(N + M).

Java (SE 1.8)

Time Complexity : O(N + M)
Space Complexity : O(N + M)

where 'N' is the number of nodes and 'M' is the number of edges

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Solution {

static ArrayListvisited,recStk;

public static boolean dfs(int cur, int dest,ArrayList> adj) {

if(cur == dest) {
return true;

// Path ends at a node other than Dest
if(adj.get(cur).size() == 0) {
return false;


for(int i = 0; i < adj.get(cur).size(); i++) {
// Cycle detected.
if(recStk.get(adj.get(cur).get(i))) {
return false;

if(!visited.get(adj.get(cur).get(i)) && !dfs(adj.get(cur).get(i), dest, adj)) {
return false;

return true;

public static boolean leadsToDestination(int n, int m, int src, int dest, int edges[][]) {

// Create adjacency list;
ArrayList>adj=new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0;i());

for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
int u=edges[i][0];
int v=edges[i][1];



// There should be no outgoing edge from node Destination.
if(adj.get(dest).size() != 0) {
return false;

visited=new ArrayList<>(n);
recStk=new ArrayList<>(n);

for(int i=0;i visited.add(false);

// Run DFS
return dfs(src, dest, adj);

C++ (g++ 5.4)

Time Complexity : O(N + M)
Space Complexity : O(N + M)

where ‘N’ is the number of nodes and ‘M’ is the number of edges.


bool dfs(int cur, int dest, vector &visited, vector &recStk, vector> &adj) {
if(cur == dest) {
return true;

// Path ends at a node other than ‘DEST’.
if(adj[cur].size() == 0) {
return false;

visited[cur] = true;
recStk[cur] = true;

for(int i = 0; i < adj[cur].size(); i++) {
// Cycle detected.
if(recStk[adj[cur][i]] == true) {
return false;

if(visited[adj[cur][i]] == false && dfs(adj[cur][i], dest, visited, recStk, adj) == false) {
return false;

recStk[cur] = false;
return true;

bool leadsToDestination(int n, int m, int src, int dest, vector> &edges) {
// Create adjacency list.
vector> adj(n);
for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {

// There should be no outgoing edge from node ‘DEST’.
if(adj[dest].size() != 0) {
return false;

vector visited(n), recStk(n);

// Run DFS.
return dfs(src, dest, visited, recStk, adj);

Python (3.5)

Time Complexity : O(N + M)
Space Complexity : O(N + M)

where ‘N’ is the number of nodes and ‘M’ is the number of edges.


def dfs(cur, dest, visited, recStk, adj):
if(cur == dest):
return True

# Path ends at a node other than ‘DEST’.
if(len(adj[cur]) == 0):
return False

visited[cur] = True
recStk[cur] = True

for i in range(len(adj[cur])):
# Cycle detected.
if(recStk[adj[cur][i]] == True):
return False

if(visited[adj[cur][i]] == False and dfs(adj[cur][i], dest, visited, recStk, adj) == False):
return False

recStk[cur] = False
return True

def leadsToDestination(n, m, src, dest, edges):
# Create adjacency list.
adj = [[] for i in range(n)]
for i in range(m):

# There should be no outgoing edge from node ‘DEST’.
if(len(adj[dest]) != 0):
return False

visited, recStk = [False] * n, [False] * n

# Run DFS.
return dfs(src, dest, visited, recStk, adj)
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