What was the biggest failure in your life and how did you over come

my biggest failure is about my education stopped at degree in that time i get married so i disconnected my education after 1 year back i did my PG

My biggest failure in life my over thinking because of change my Attitude

my biggest failure in life my attitued i over become change the behaver and listen to every one

The biggest failure my life is marriage

Yet I have no failure in my life but now I am going through a critical period of my life and I want to over come on this situation fast

My exam

Knowing that what we do will not help our growth but still we do is the biggest failure. Think many times.

I have worked very hard to handle my family situation and many time i have failed in it but i have managed everything due to my very hard work

In my life my biggest failure is that when i was in 10th standard in private school but suddenly our financial condition get so down than i completed my 11th and 12th from government school than in 11...read more

Till now, I didn't faced any failure ...if happens in future then I will think to solve it by using all my afforts

Yet i didnt faced any failure so far...if it happens in future then i must follow my nature of being calm and think wisely in situations like failures

when i dont have any job and when i acheive my job then doing over come
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