This is the final round. You'll be asked about your background, education qualification, Why do you want to join company and what you know about it. How will you react in the circumstances. Like when you have pressure Customer is angry Like that. More questions about your life, your goals and related things.

I will handle the coustmer patiently and explain about his problem and sort his doubts successfully

I was say smile I am not angry with customer.
I will talk to costomer politely

I was say smile and l am not angry with customer. I will talk with customer in slowly.

I was say smile and l am not angry with customer. I will talk with customer in slowly.

I was say smile and l am not angry with customer. I will talk with customer in slowly

we wont to became cool to custamer
we cant lose one custamer at any choice

Simply smile and say answers. Then their angry will gone.

Work from home salary 15000

Not engari individual about your life your gold and customer

Education is a 12 pass work from home

I am housewife customer support is a very awesom question what is your chatting call receive

I want to join the company because I need job. And when someone talks to me in anger, I will answer him simple
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