If goods destroyed through fire what will be the journal entry
The journal entry for goods destroyed through fire
Debit the amount of goods destroyed to the Loss by Fire account
Credit the amount of goods destroyed to the Inventory account
If insurance is involved, ...read more
Loss by fire A/c is debited And Purchase A/c is Credited.
Loss by fire A/c ....dr
to Purchadse A/c
Loss by fire.... Dr
To purchase.
Loss by fire A/c Dr.
To purchase A/c
Loss by fire A/c Dr.
To purchase A/c
loss by fire A/c Dr.
To Purchase A/c
loss by fire A/c dr....
To Profit & loss A/c
Goods destroyed by fire a/c dr
To profit and loss a/c
Goods destroyed by fire a/c
Loss by fire A/C .Dr
To goods destroy by fire(purchase )
Goods destroyed by fire is an abnormal loss the Loss by fire A/c (Indirect expenses) Dr. To Purchases A/c. If you have a claim, this loss will be reduced , and you'll have an asset for Insurance claim...read more
Profit and loss a/c......dr
To loss by fire a/c
Profit and loss a/c......dr.
To good destroy by fire a/c
Loss By Fire A/C Dr
To Party A/C Cr
Goods destroy fire ac Dr
To profit and loss account
Loss by fire a/c dr
To goods destroyed by fire a/c
Goods lost by fire A/C ........Dr
To purchase A/C
Destroyed by fire a/c Dr.
To Bank a/c Cr.
Loss by fire A/C Dr
To purchases
Insurance claims Dr
To Goods / raw material b
The journal entry would be as
Loss by fire a/c dr.
To purchase account
Abnormal loss
loss by fire goods a/c.....dr
To purchase a/c
Lost of fire good Dr
To purchase a/c
Loss by fire a/c dr
To purchase a/c
Loss by fire a/c Dr.
To purchase a/c
Profit and loss account
Loss by fire account debit, good account credit
Fire and goods loss a/c Dr
To profit and loss a/c
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