How can solve the problem? When employees have their different solution

To solve the problem of employees having different solutions, it is important to encourage open communication, facilitate collaboration, and consider all perspectives.
Encourage open communication amon...read more

Find the problem to employee and to help the employee to slope the problem easily

Problem-solving can't be taught the way algebra, basic work duties or software can. It requires more creativity and abstract

Ask the problem and make the better solution for that

to check the problem first, differenciate the problem according the employee view,
then overcome the problem by giving effective solution.

Yes, I can solve all employee problem. first of all collecting all solution and after that i will evlaute the best solution which is best for employee and employe.

Yes, I can solve all employee problem. first of all collecting all solution and after that i will evlaute the best solution which is best for employee and employe.

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