1. in which temperature we can store insulin inj sol 2.what are the parts of prescription. 3. how many types of inventry 4. what is LASA, FIFO examples of LASA. 5. which drugs are come under schedule x 6. What is GRN and why it is important 7. what is the meaning of TDS, BD, OD, SOS 8, What is FMCG product. 9. what is diabetes 10. classification of antihypertensive

Q.1 insuline store in 2-8 temp
Q2. Prescription is most of parts in medicine sale... Dr prescribed still days written medicine it's chack this schedule then sale...
Q4.lasa means look alike and sound a...read more

1 :- 2-8°c
2.:- superscription, inscription, subscription, signa, and name and signature of the prescriber etc.
3:- 3 types of inventry e.g :- class A, B, C
4 :- Lasa : look like sound like
Example: adder...read more

2 to 8 degree celcius

36 insuline inj sol store temperature in 36 F to 46 F

1 :- 2-8°c
2.:- Age, gender, patient name and history, doctor name, stamp , signature and dose of medicines
3:- 3 types of inventry e.g :- class A, B, C
4 :- Lasa : look like sound like
Fifo :- first in F...read more

1 :- 2-8°c
2.:- Age, patient history, doctor name, stamp and dose of medicines
3:- 3 types of inventry e.g :- class A, B, C
4 :- Lasa : look like sound like
Fifo :- firrst in First out
5 :- antibiotics and...read more

1)15*c to 40*c (2).Six (3).Four.(4).Look alike sound alike . WCLK.(5).Barbital,aphetamine,amobarbitol (6) good received note. A good of recieved of suplier (7).TDS_Three times a day ,BD_twice daily , ...read more

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