Q9. Given an array of length n and in which numbers from 1-n will be there and each number can repeat any number of times find out which repeated more number of tim...read more
Round: Resume Shortlist Experience: Basically, it's not resume shortlist, it's a 9 pointer shortlist
Round: Test Experience: The Entire Test is held in HackerRank Platform. it has 2 coding questions (one easy and one medium) 2 output questions(medium) 2 Aptitude(easy) 1 general Computer science(medium) it took me 30 min for each coding questions.I was not known that general question is related to bash commands. Tips: Practice the Warmup questions in Hacker Rank. Do some Basic aptitude questions. Thorough with the basic c and c++ concepts Duration: 120 minutes Total Questions: 7
Round: Technical Interview Experience: It's completely around the data structures. The questions are a bit tricky but once u think without any tension u can get through easily. The interviewer is helpful and gives u few hints if u catch them at the right point of time u got it.There are 2 more questions which I haven't mentioned. Tips: got through Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy by Narasimha Karumanchi. It's a best book for the interviews.
Round: Technical Interview Experience: The interviewer asked to put everything on the blackboard and write down the code of each and everything. Tips: Go to the website -----/ and study all the interview questions and modules
Round: HR Interview Experience: It's Technical+ HR interview all the technical questions went around resume. it went around 45 minutes they are very particular about what you wrote in the resume.HR questions are general like whats your future plans where will u see yourself in the office after 5 years? Tips: please make sure that whatever you write in resume should be known to you very well.Don't write false things about yourself.And make sure you know completely about the projects you are going to write in resume(atleast the part you worked)
General Tips: Be sure of what you are saying. Don't be tensed and answer to your best. Skills: Programming, Data Structures College Name: VIT VELLORE