Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

What if you can't knock at your Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. šŸ†

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Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Jan 2025

1 interview found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 13 May 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: I would like to give a brief description of my interview for the post of clerks in State bank of travancore. It was my first interview experience. I was very tensed. When I reached there, I could find that there were 6 panels in various rooms and the complexity of interviewing was different for each panel. I had got some tips on how to appear for the interview from some articles online and from newspapers .It guided me well.

Since I had an exam of my the same day I had to dedicate time to prepare for both .Hence I was really tensed as I wanted both to turn out well.Anyways I wished to present myself to the best I could.The funniest part was that both were scheduled to be at the same time: 9am.But I could obtain permission from the interview authorities to postpone my interview to afternoon session.Ā 

Finally I wrote my exam and left to the hotel were the interview was taking place, without even having my lunch as I was very much tensed. I reached there 1hr before the scheduled time .Afternoon session had already started. I sat there reading that day's newspaper. I had to wait for a long time (about 3 hrs). Since I postponed my interview to the afternoon session, I happened to be the last one to be interviewed. I tried to gain confidence by closing my eyes and taking deep breaths. My sitting there for a long time actually helped me a lot. But still I was tensed hearing about various panels, the questions they were asking etc from other candidates who had already given their interviews.

Time went on and finally 10 of us were left. We were led to another room and was called one by one. I was the second last one for the day and got the last panel. My turn finally came. I gained confidence before entering room and with full belief in myself knocked at the door and asked for permission to enter the room. The interview panel gave the permission and I entered. I walked with straight smiling face towards them. They were 3 of them-a lady and

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I greeted them-first the lady and the gentlemen. The lady member asked me about my exam and I replied it was ok. Then she asked to give a self introduction. I introducedĀ 

myself. Then started the formal interview questions like current affairs,books,general awareness,etc. Some of the questions were

1) Give a brief description about my school

2) List some banking jobs

3) What is 24x7 channel?

4) Who is a notary public?

5) What are the purposes of an ATM card?

6) Who is the author of Sherlock Holmes?

7) My signature resembles butterfly and hence they asked me about butterfly parks in India. I said I was not aware of that and hence they asked me to tell the different stages in the lifecycle of a butterfly(I later understood that they wanted to check candidates' aptitude towards such questions,patience,and language skills ,body language etc by asking such questions since we `ve to handle different type of people at bank counters )

8)Since I was pursuing btech,they asked me why i wanted to join a bank instead of an IT company.etc

General Tips: I was able to answer almost all questions except one or two. All that I knew, i was able to answer with confidence. They started asking from the point where I stopped; hence I answered each question carefully. When the interview was over I thanked them and walked towards the door happily. I was confident that I was able to perform somewhat well. And when the results came my name was there in the list.I would like to share some points to be taken care of before appearing for an interview.1. You should be well and neatly dressed and it should be a formal one. No heavy accessories must be there especially girls so as to showcase that to everyone.2. You should keep a file with you. Better to buy a file with thin plastic sheets that are available in different ranges such as 10 sheets, 20 sheets etc. This helps you to arrangeyour mark sheets, interview letter, and other documents separately and neatly .3. Keep a good pen along with the file4. You should be aware of the current affairs, current social issues etc and should be well aware of the subject/area concerned with job applied for.5. Have confidence in yourself.6. Every interview mostly starts with a self introduction and hence days before the interview you should prepare a good self introduction and speak to yourself in front of a mirror so that you can make the first impression a best one. If possible attend maximum number of mock interviews.
College Name: Vjti
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