Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

What if you can't knock at your Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Jan 2025

1 interview found

user image Anonymous

posted on 16 Apr 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Apitutude test was based on technicalquestion , There were 15 technical question and 2 programs, I suggest u all to attempt program questionfirst and then technical question .I selected Php so question were related topear DB,persistent sql connection so ifu do a language do it well.After this test there was a Resumebased short listing. Make sure ur resumeis good at least u have project in java and phpdomain . Well in mine case it was enitirely due to Projects different languages..
Tips: I suggest u all to attempt program questionfirst and then technical question .Make sure ur resume is good at least u haveproject in java and php domain . Well inmine case it was enitirely due to Projects different languages.. No. of people shortlisted after the aptitude test for theinterviews = 14

Round: Other Interview
Experience: 1 Japanese Guy ROUND 1;Introduce Yourself .Then he started Saying what should i say uhave a very good resume . so i possibly lets not talk of specific technical question (ie Recurrence ,write code thiswas not there)(others were asked ppl were saying).He started asking about project (I guessone of the reason is to make sure mine resume is not Fake)He asked me about final year project how will you improve it.I said since it was based on e-commercedomain and no of request will be more , i will prefer to use C/C++ andimplement it as http api, the way the face book uses the graph api ( I had given it an example how graph api works and i will how implement it here and ialso said that it has not yet been declared with the group ). For Gui i will use Java.Later on we came to mine Java project there i showed him screenshots and ancertification mark of Softpedia which suggest that the code has been tested bySoftpedia.His instant Reply was wow.He then said one you join, After 1 year ucan go for US or stay in Japan we have development unit AtSan Francisco . You can join there urwish , coz u look highly passionate in terms of coding and technology so idon’t think so reaching that ladder in organisation in time , but remember once u reach this level don’t stay onair some ppl do u need research u will get it !!!Then he asked me strange question ,Tell mewhich language u know , (I taught in mind suddenly he was just checking that ididn’t faked so i told all the languagesthat i had in the list).Then he asked exactly what u want to learnmore and u didn’t learned I told Ruby .He asked whyI told there is a guy whom i told mat whowrote his own language named Ruby , iwanna learn that and create mine own.Your strengths:I told himthat i am workaholic.He told me how,I told him being a workaholic is betterfor the organisation a s a whole but notfor me , mine health will reduce thats worst.Tell me more :I told him that i am self styled programmer,He asked how ??? :pI told him that i don’t belive oncertificates which organisation give, because they say that u knowit and i don’t want any third party to certify me that iknow so many language its mine hard work mine passion will determine and , Programming is mine religion and i don’t cheat !!!He then asked me do u have any question ??I told about learning Japanese ( He said hewil teach )He then told me what you know about Rakuten??I said it is a good firm in ecommerce and no one ofjapan , and it supports innovation if itdon’t then i know there wouldn’t been any Yukihiro "Matz :pWhat you know about Japan ??I told him that japan –Technology i like technology and i am getting a countrywhere ppl are hardworking dedicated and the way it transformed its economy itsmind blowing .What is You WeaknessWhat are your Demerits ??I said i am too much social , I like totalk with friends after all they play a important role in mine life so i can’tmiss them and i love mine family a lot after all they care you a lot so yourresponsibility for them is threefoldthey are there in your bad times no matter how bad it is...Are they read to allow you outside ??I said theytold ok or else i wont be here participating in the interview :pHe then again asked will you join us ??I said mine aim was Rakuten .Hethen asked tell me about your leadership quality??I told him that i am not a leader i don’tbelieve on leadership, because remember one thing its better not to be a leaderif u are as a friend with your team members then he/she will say about criticsto your project and remember one thing thatevery person has a different viewdifferent look and thats always better for project ... because at theend of the day its the project that matters not your ego .. so leadership idon’t keep .He then again asked me any question youhave ??I told him that i guess you have somethingin your mind which you don’t want to say , i say its better yo u be open and discuss it in table its better coz thisis a meet between different parties and doubts get resolved when u talk openly so talk openly.He said ok .Then he told me we are going to add 50 moreproducts till 2020 we are going to growfast will you join us.I said why not make Rakuten google :p

Round: Other Interview
Experience: ROUND2(2 Japanese , 1 US Guy):First time i met a technical question inthis interview :He told me that did u implemented Sudoku , i said yes via backtracking ,This was therein mine resume’s Algorithm Section ..I explained enitirely of Steven Skeina’sAlgorithm lecture you can search it in google !! He is a champion lecturer inAlgorithm !!How dou testing !!I said taking example of JMRTS !!I told him see there are 2 approaches oneis that u do by using bottom up and other is top down approach of deadling !!I saidi prefer bottom up , i create modules test them using printstatements and then i build on modules .What is an Aim of your life ??Mine aim isbefore i die i do something inlife a technological breakthrough or anAlgorithm in mine Name that will be somethingin a book so that peoply remembers me forever !! coz money any one canearn u can earn it via a stock market but fame remains much longer and thatswhat i earn see Steve jobs wanna becomelike him!!!He said did u did coding via svn !!I said did u mean Tortoise Svn , I said i did it in mine Microsoft Imagine Cup project but since u ppl came earlyand i don’t hae enough time to revise i skipped it , and by rule of resume what ever you put in resume its validated soi don’t want to fake . and u can see in resume there are 2 sections !!Mine academic projects which are the onesdid for the college labSecond is the Personal Projects for mineinnovation!!How did u have to many projects ??I said see do u know why do people performtesting in code ? for perfection for removing errors !!I said see when you study some time , icall it as earning knowledge , you get something , you know that after this will happen but u never now how it happens ,and when u once know that u hadperfected that knowledge ,for perfectioni do projects because i exactly know how it happens only when i do projects , i don’t rely on somethingthat so and so aurthor said it happensand i assume it no way , of course its not possible to check everything but u can try the most!!Why do u want Internet Company ?Because of its Penetration !! you don’t need visas for seeing a website?? i can sell anything any where using internet that’s why i like it , Its mineway to work ( I don’t need Visa s)..What is your most Difficult experience ??Well there are many but i want to say itrecently , it was based on csi project which was going to cloud technology manyppl did opposed to it being a new idea and being a new thing it will beopposton .How did u resolved it ?The then chairman , my friend AkhilKrishnan helped a lot in understandingppl how it is good (after all every project has itis own risk and own problem iwil love to take risky project ) thats mine way of working .How did ufeel if some one critisze u and he is promoted ??Well i wont feel bad definitely if he is saying something good see better thing is that getting ideas from different front and different people its better ideas even if i have to resign from a project for good things , that person and that organisation will never forget me , i do everything that is good for project not for self!!
Tips: Be open and Be confident andtrust yourself and your projectsAlso have a chat with seniors those who areplaced and have a name of them that gives you that u know something oforganisation..Do your Algorithms and projects well (Make sure atleast your one project is innovate it helps a lot ): and it is implemented somewhere either in your college community or some company , an internship do helps a lot !! Remember : Der Aye Durust Aye :

Skill Tips: Be open and Be confident andtrust yourself and your projectsAlso have a chat with seniors those who areplaced and have a name of them that gives you that u know something oforganisation..Do your Algorithms and projects well(Makesure atleast your one project is innovate it helps a lot ): and it isimplemented somewhere either in yourcollege community or some company , aninternship do helps a lot !!Remeber : Der Aye Durust Aye :
College Name: VJTI
Motivation: Technology i like technology and i am getting a country where ppl are hardworking dedicated and the way it transformed its economy its mind blowing .
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