Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

What if you can't knock at your Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Jan 2025

3 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 Sep 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Give your strategy to start a coaching class for CET students
  • Q2. For a text file, write a C program to check if all open brackets (, { and [ are closed appropriately
  • Q3. How will you conduct a computer simulation to study flow of traffic on a busy road
  • Q4. Explain your final year project.
  • Q5. Algorithms required to solve puzzles
  • Q6. Explain the concept of time and space complexity
  • Q7. A number of questions on pointers
  • Q8. Questions on virtual functions, polymorphism, etc

Interview Preparation Tips

Skill Tips: Be very thorough in C and C++. This may not be sufficient for comps and IT students who may be asked on a variety of topics they have studied. Incase you are not from these two branches and you are asked a question beyond what was taught to us in our first year notify the same to the interviewer.
College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical on paper test questions:(dis was only for 12 among d 26 shortlisted ppl after apti...others directly had interviews)
5 wer selected in this test who wer nw sent for interviews
TECHNICAL INTERVIEW: (pls list the questions asked in all the rounds)
26 shortlisted after apti (14 directly for interviews & 12 had one more technical on paper test...mentioned above)
der wer min 2 technical rounds for each of them...max were 5

- You are given course dependencies
The above dependencies mean...if you want to take course should take courses B and C first....To take B,Course D must be taken first....D is an independent course and can be taken without any prior requirements.
Now you are told these dependencies.Come up with an appropriate data structure to represent these dependencies.Then write a code that finds out all the courses that the student can take this case the student can first take course D because its independent.Now that course D has been taken he can next take up B as it depends on B alone...But the courses A and C can never be taken because they depend on each other...So here all the courses that can be taken are B and D.
After i wrote the code....he asked for all possible test cases
-Given an array of length N....It can be filled with nos. only from 1 to N....find which nos are repeated in the array
-Given pointers to two nodes in a binary tree....find their least common ancestor...each node has pointer to only the parent node...not the left and right child..
-In a binary tree(Not necessarily a BST)...suppose the weight of any node is defined as the product of the key value of the node and the level of the node(Root at level 1)...find the node with maximum weight in the binary tree
-A sorted array of size n is right circularly rotated k times and this rotated array is given to you as input...Find out the value of k in log n time .
-There are some processes running at time T....and there are processes running at time T+30.
You have to find out
1)Which processes died at time T+30,which were alive at time T
2)Which are the new processes at time T+30,which were not there at time T
3)Which are the processes that were there at time T and are still running at time T+30
What data structure will you use to represent the process lists and write code to find out the answers to the 3 questions above
-Given a binary search tree...and a target sum...starting at the root...which all paths add up to the target sum?...if there are multiple paths....return the path with least no. of nodes.

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Apptitude test (16 shortlisted out of 65) 10 quant + logic 10 data structure , operating systems 30 programming questions (you have option to select c/c++/java)Passing individually in all sections compulsorygood quality of questionskeep concepts well in place

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1. Given an array of size n this contains all integers from 1 to n+1 except one. Array is notsorted. You have to find the missing element by traversing the array only once and no extraspace allowed.(the solution I proposed was to xor all elements of array and all numbers from1 to n+1 the final value of xor is the answer . He asked me to code this).2. Given a string of characters like “34235” convert it to integer format. (I answered like simplesolution. Was told to code it).3. Given a large file. Each line has some string you have to find palindrome in the string andappend the middle element of palindrome to end of string. It was v important to considercase like when you append characters to end of string it may go to next line and create newpalindromes in next line.(I read 1 line from input file found middle letters of all palindromesappended to string and outputted it in new file say output.txt. Now if it has over flown inoutput file handle it in next iteration …).4. Given a program find output c++ program quite tricky. It was using pointers as member ofclass to test allocation and deallocation of memory.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Final Technical Interview 2 Interviewers

1. Tell me something about yourself

2. Explain me your project (was in my resume).

3. Write all dbms tables used in ur project4. How will you represent matrix of any arbitrary size say m*n in a database.(I answered 

5. Given 2 matrix in your database write a sql query to add them.

6. Now write a sql query to multiply 2 matrix

7. Program to find height of a binary tree.(I gave recursive solution)

8. Without recursion

9. Find loop in a binary tree and also find whether loop is sibling loop or ancestor loop or 

10. Can a constructor be virtual?(in c++)

11. Can a destructor be virtual?

12. Can a constructor b private?13. Can a destructor b private?

14. Can a destructor b pure virtual function?......

15. Given a file having 10000 lines I want to read all lines v fast(multi threading)

16. Last do you want to ask some thing ?

(id row col data))

arbitrary loop

Round: Group Activity
Experience: Group Activity-(now no further eliminations) we were divided in group of 3 and 4, 8 or 9 panelists were watching us We were given a list of servers databases and client systems having pros and cons. We were asked to choose the best possible combination that suits all client requirements.

Round: HR Interview
Experience:  Tell something about yourself Greatest achievement in your life
 Achievements of others that u like
 Gave me scenario like you are team leader and you have to instruct your team to deliver blood from blood bank to hospital v v fast as someones life is in danger.. 
 1 more similar case
 Then he asked me r u a team player
 He was like what you do to motivate your team as a leader and how would you make your team perform best.
 Do you want to ask some thing to me???(this is v important ask abt company ur role in it….).

General Tips: Be honest.Do not write anything on resume,people are v v smart they will catch youThey touch all domains so b strong in all areas, dbms os datastructure programmingIf you don’t know something ,tell them, they will help youInterviewers are v cooperative, help you a lot and if you get stuck they will drop hintsBe CALM confident and positiveFinally I would say, interviews with Morgan Stanley , it is a great experience!!ALL THE BEST !!!! 
College Name: VJTI
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