Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

What if you can't knock at your Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. šŸ†

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Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Jan 2025

1 interview found

Interview Questions

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posted on 7 May 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: BHEL - an overviewBHEL is apublic sector enterprise, coming under the Ministry of Heavy Industries. It isa Maharatna company, established years back in 1964 in Bhopal. Presently it hasnumerous manufacturing units spread across the width and breadth of India. Itmainly manufactures heavy power equipments for itscustomers, in India andabroad. It is also in the field of setting up powerprojectsfor itsvariouscustomers, in the government as well as in the private sector.A job in BHEL isalways considered as a very prestigious one. Almost every year BHEL recruitsfreshers and experienced candidates for a variety of posts, which becomevacant, from time to time.Two stagerecruitment processThe recruitment notice for the post of Assistant Engineersin BHEL for the year 2010 was published during August 2010. Applicantsfulfilling theeligibility requirementshad toapplyonline. Itwas atwo stageprocess. First awritten examand then aninterview. Thewritten examtook place on 31st October 2010. Mycentre was Kolkata. The exam was an objective one. Total 150 questions werethere. 60 of them wereaptitude questionsand remaining 90 weretechnical ones, related to engineering. I had done prior preparation for theexam and thepatternwas known to me. I had referred a lot of books,including books on aptitude and reasoning. A book by Galgotia publications wasvery helpful in this respect. As a result, I didn't have to struggle hard duringthe exam and I was expecting a favourable result.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Call for the interview21st December 2010 was the date I waseagerly waiting for. The results of thewritten examhad beendeclared on 11th November. As expected, I was among those who were now eligiblefor the interview. The interview was to be held in Peerless hotel at Kolkata on21st December. I reached Kolkata a day ahead of the interview.The reportingtime for the interview was 9:30 in the morning. I reached the spot well intime, dressed in formals with shoes well polished. Other candidates weretrickling down and by the appointed hour there were already 15 to 20candidates. We greeted each other with smiles, asked each other usual questionsand anxiously waited for the interview process to begin .Verification ofdocumentsBy 9:30 a.m. the interview team was also there. They welcomed us all.We were provided with tea and snacks by the hotel. It helped us in cooling ournerves. The team briefed us regarding the formalities to be completed. Soon acouple of them started verifying our documents and certificates, one by one.The actual interview started some time later. Those who had their documentsverified were called first. With bated breath, everyone started waiting fortheir turns. Because of the apparent nervousness in the air, we were hardlyspeaking to each other. Some of the candidates were even referring their books.A few of us had to go outside, to getduplicatecopies of ourtestimonials and certificates. The board members were very particular about thedocuments. They were checking each and every relevant document and details withminutest care. They were ensuring that in each of our semesters we had scoredmore than 70% marks. Date of birth and character certificates were beingchecked too.The agonizingwaitThe interviews were each lasting 30 minutes or so. That was making us moretensed. I was wondering how I will survive for 30 long minutes with theinterview board. But then I assured myself that it's not the end of the world.Whatever happens, I will sustain and I will strive to give mybest. Thishelped me in keeping my cool and patiently wait for my turn to come. At last,after hours of waiting, my turn was about to come. It was 2:30 p.m. and we hadnot taken our lunch. Right at that moment, the board decided that everyone willgo for lunch and return by 3 p.m. It was not to my liking. I was eager tofinish the interview first. Moreover, since my turn was next, I was instructedto finish my lunch at the earliest. We were given lunch coupons, but they werenot meant to be used in the same hotel. The coupons were for some restaurantlocated outside the hotel premise. I hurried towards the restaurant. But had towait for my order to materialize. I simply gobbled up the food and rushed backfor the interview. Without giving me any further time, they simply shoved meinside the room, where my fate was finally going to be decided.

College Name: Vjti
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