Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

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Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Jan 2025

1 interview found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 13 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I would like share my intrview with ATOS Origin software company pune at Hinjewadi Branch. 

Basically They are looking for the candidate who is strong technical background in Perl development and debugging. and also able to dig the functionality from the code.

After my resume short listed, Got a mail from ATOS Origin HR xyz.

Mail content was as below 

"Hi Nabhi Your Face to Face round of interview is been schedule on 3rd December 2010 at 6.30 pm, kindly be available asper schedule"

Venue of the office and conatct person name has been given in the mail.

I Reached the ATOS Origin office at 6:15 and below is the interview Discussion went on.

Interviewer:Hi Nabhi my name is xyz and is working as a Team for the xyz project.

Nabhi:Hi xyz, nice name and how are you doing?

Interviewer:Doing good Nabhi,so can start briefing about yourself interms of personal and professional life.

Nabhi:My parents are staying at my hometown Karanataka xyz town, brother is Govt. employee and I have single sister with my parents,This is all about my personal life. well I have studied my school, colleges and B.E degree in Bijapur district place Karanataka. I have completed my final year B.E in ECE background in the year of 2005.

Interviewer:Nice to hear Nabhi, why do you want to change the company?

Nabhi: As you are aware that since last two years due to market condition, did not get much salary hike, so planning to change and get better salary in the top IT company. I think your company is also doing good in IT field.

Interviewer:Ok fine, How much you rate yourself in Linux Environmnet?

Nabhi: I started my Career with Linux Environment only, to Rate for your question, Then I would say 7 out of 10.

Interviewer:fine,How much you rate yourself in Linux Environmnet?
Nabhi: Yes, Just you have to Type kill -9 procee_name
Interviewer:Why it is always requred to use -9 number during the killing the process?
Nabhi:Kill command is having the different options to give the numbers. This command usually sends a siganl to the process whether signal to terminate,or signal to kill or signal to stop etc.. To send particalar signal to kill the process then we have to use its respective number as 9. Each signals will have its corresponding numbers like 15,9 etc.
Interviewer: Oh ok. what does ls -ltr command do on linux prompt?
Nabhi: ls -ltr command will list out the contents of directory in reverse order with time stamp. Here L is Long list,T is timestamp and r is for reverse order.
Interviewer:fine, do you know AWK ?
Nabhi: No, I never used so far, instead of this command I usually use SED command.
Interviewer:Ok no issues, so you are fine with basic commands on linux then. Lets move to Perl technical questions.
Nabhi: Yes, you can go Ahead Please!.
Interviewer: Do you know whether Perl is interpreter or compiler?
Nabhi: As per my expirience on this skill, I can not say it is purely interpreter, because interpreter usually will give an error in which ever line it occurs but till that line it will show the out put of the script.If you consider for compiler like C or C++ etc.. It will compile interms of bitwise and will generate the (Object code). If you consider Perl to answer your Question, then it will compile the code interms of byte wise and put onto the memory and will not generate any object code for it not be neither interpreter nor programming longauges for compiler.
Interviewer:Nice understanding Nabhi,Do you how to connect Oracle from Perl ?
Nabhi: Yes, use DBI module in the begining of the script, then connect by using the syntax $dbh=DBI->connect("DBI:Oracle","userid","passwrd");
Interviewer:what is the Perl function to replace by charecter ?
Nabhi: we can use tr/A/a/g
Interviewer: ok.yur are familiar with the regular expressions then?
Nabhi: Yes.
Interviewer:Thanks Nabhi for your time here, our HR will get back to you very soon.
Nabhi: Thanks xyz and nice chatting with you.
Hence selected during technical round.
Thanks and Regards

College Name: Vjti
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