What if you can't knock at your National Institute of Technology,(NIT), Delhi seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆
Round: Test Experience: 1. Find the sum of all non repeating element. 2. Find the next smallest number of a given number by swapping the digits of the number. Duration: 40 minutes Total Questions: 2
Round: Technical Interview Experience: 1.tell me about yourself. 2. Explain the previous round questions. 3. I was asked some question from their presentation and from my resume
Round: Technical Interview Experience: 1. What is trie, write code to create and implement a dictionary. 2. Write code to create function getWord(string str) ,which take string as input and return list of all the words starting with string present in our dictionary .eg str=”mo” so it should return everything starting with “mo” 3. What is final, finally, finalize in java. 4. What is third normal form. 5. What is denormalization. 6. What is left outer join, right outer join, inner join etc. 7. What is virtual and pure virtual function in c++. 8. What is copy constructor. 9. what is b-tree 10 .diff b/w get post 11. http and https
Skills: Mysql, Database, Java Programming, OOPS Using C++, Algorithms And Data Structures College Name: NIT Delhi
OXIGEN SERVICES Interview Questions by Designation