National Institute of Technology, Surathkal

Mangalore, Karnataka

What if you can't knock at your National Institute of Technology, Surathkal seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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National Institute of Technology, Surathkal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 20 Jan 2025

5 interviews found

user image KARTHIIK C

posted on 3 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Experience: Round 1 - Resume based shortlist(40 students were shortlisted)

General Tips: Technical round was very challenging as it tested my basics of computer science and general aptitude and managerial round was full of behavioral questions and HR round was the best as i ended up cracking jokes and making HR laugh .
Skill Tips: Prepared basics of computer science,solved aptitude questions from and programs from
Prepare basics well brush out the aptitude formulas and prepare about the company well before appearing for interviews .
prepare basics of C,C++,OOPS,SDLC ,Datastructures and general aptitude well.know about the company from
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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posted on 3 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: PRE- placement
Experience: 1. The company collects resume from the placement department a few weeks before they come here and shortlist people on the basis of their resume and the projects that they have done.
2. Sometimes the cut-off at the time of test may be higher than the cut-offs of the people short-listed on the basis of resume.

Round: Test
Experience: They conducted a written-test consisting of logical aptitude, quantitative aptitude and the concepts of data structures and algorithms. There was a bonus questions for ten marks on application of OS concepts.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical interview consisted of problems on data structures and algorithms, Operating systems and Databases and whatever projects that have been mentioned in the resume.
Around 70 were shortlisted for written test from which the number came down to 22 for interviews and finally three of us got the offer with elimination at each stage of interviews.

General Tips: Placement season teaches you lot of things and many life-time experiences and the key thing during placement season is to have patience and wait for your chance. You will get what you is right for you when the right time comes so don’t lose hopes and be consistent. Luck is a big factor in placements and you will definitely have your day.
1. Prepare your resume well for each and every of the points you put there and give more than enough time in writing your resume. The presentation of your resume is equally important as the contents of the resume.
2. Attend the pre-placement talk sincerely for the companies you are interested in and ask questions in during that. It shows you are interested in the company and may help in later stages of your interviews.
3. Your dressing sense in during the PPTs is also noted by the company HR’s.
4. Knowing implementation of what you know is very important as most companies look for implementation and the most important thing during any interview will be your “Approach” towards the question asked as that’s where they judge you.
For CS
1. Be thorough with the concepts which you know and accept readily if you don’t know which is better than them telling you the same.
2. Be honest and know properly whatever you have written in your resume.
3. The HR person who comes for recruitment every year is very experienced person and he keeps a close watch on candidates even outside the interview rooms on the D-Day. Be aware for the same.
Skill Tips: 1. I had done MIT algorithms lectures at the end of my second year and those lectures were very useful at all the stages of my B.Tech. Apart from that I referred “Coding Interview Questions book by Narsimha Karumanchi” for quick revision of OS and DBMS concepts.
2. The coursera video lectures of Algorithms (part I and II from stanford), Computer Networks and of Databases are equally good and very useful in general for all companies.
3. For apti preparation I didn’t feel any need of extra preparation.
4. C-Apti questions are very important as well as coding skills being good in which will get you many early chances of being interviewed and getting a job.
5. I had looked into puzzles by Shakuntala Devi and the Brain Teasers on

For me on that day I had five back to back interviews on the D-day of which two were for Futures First and three were for Credit Suisse and the experience was more than rewarding at the end. I started getting call for Futures First interview when I was writing my Credit Suisse written paper and I didn’t know how the day is going to be for me. But believe me when they announce your name in the Rooms of Placement Department, which is the best feeling you can get when someone calls your name.

College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Harshavardhan

posted on 2 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: Resume should be true not enticing. A catchy project title may get you an interview but the basics will get you the job. Good communication skills never desert you in times of need unlike your technical skills. Hone it and you'll go places.
It was pretty standard according to me. Very helpful panel. Again speaking well helps.
Skill Tips: Basic aptitude Club activities sufficed for me. Lot of questions on your projects.
Interest in programming helps, be it hardware programming like microcontroller projects or the software projects.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image K Bala Vignesh

posted on 1 Dec 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: A written test for 2 hours. Around 15 were selected for the interviews. Eligibility to write the test was initially 8+ CGPA and was open for EC, CS, EE and IT. It consisted of Multiple choice questions on C-aptitude and General aptitude; a subjective type section that had riddles and some easy questions, another bonus section that had a real life problem (we had an easy question on Server topology that required some analysis on resources, latency and reliability).

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Warm-up questions on concepts like constructors and destructors, keywords like static, extern; difference between function overloading and function overriding etc etc. Then, little harder 2 - 3 questions on Binary trees and Maximum sub-array problem with optimal solution (divide and conquer). Resume walk through: I was asked to explain on Neural Networks and SVM as I had done quite a no. of projects on the same. They also asked me some questions on Astrophysics since I had said Astronomy is my hobby.

Experience: In this round they had given me specifications of a project and asked me how would I go about it. Decision making abilities are also checked by giving various hypothetical situations. They asked me in very detail about my internship as it was on Parallel Processing.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR was super friendly after which final results announced.

General Tips: If you have attended previous interviews or tests and not selected for the job, try to see where you went wrong and learn from your mistakes. I didn't do any explicit preparation for the tests or the interviews (which I think I should have). Do your homework after a test/interview if it went badly. My previous half a dozen interviews helped me crack this one. When facing the interviewer, carry a notebook, pen and a copy of your resume. When you do not know an answer, the interviewer might explain the solution or just ask you to refer a book. Take a note of this in your notebook. This will show your interest to learn things and how organized you are and also will help you do your homework for the next interview.
The panel that had come for us were extremely friendly. In the interviews, they let us complete our answers and were very patient unlike many other interviews.
Interviews are not so challenging. Know every single point written on your resume. Knowing something on Data Analysis, Machine Learning helps. Strong understanding of Object Oriented Programming is a must. Wear business formals for the tests and interviews (as the students writing the test are shortlisted based on GPA, they expected us to wear Business formals during the PPT and tests), preferably also a tie. Show interest in their company and keep smiling and stay positive.
Skill Tips: For all the Analyst positions in finance companies, a strong understanding of OOP concepts is required. Puzzles : This is by far the best collection of puzzles (with solutions) I have come across; and many questions in my previous interviews and test were asked from this list.
C-aptitude and aptitude practice was from the previous tests given for other companies.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 1 Apr 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was open for IT, CS, EEE and EC.. For IT and CS cut off was 7. For EC and EEE it was 8.4.Then we were given written test. They do not have any definite number in mind to select for interview. For our year 20 were selected.Previous year 60 were selected. In the written round, we were given All theory type questions. For the coding part, just the algorithm or even the logic was accepted..

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 4 rounds of interview were there. It varies from person to person. As I was from non-CS background I got 3 HR rounds.

General Tips: If you are blasted in the interview, that doesn't mean you are screwed. Be calm in the interview. For all you know, it might be a stress test!
Skill Tips: Go through your resume very well and be ready.I had not attended the ppt of the company.That is the biggest mistake anybody can commit. Please attend the ppt and note down "who the CEO is", "what the company does", "what is your role in the company " etc.
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